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Home Student Resources Support Services Native American Student Support & Success Program (NASSSP)

Folsom Lake College Land Acknowledgement Statement

We respectfully acknowledge the land currently occupied by Folsom Lake College as the traditional home of the sovereign Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok peoples who have a unique and enduring relationship stewarding this land since time immemorial. Despite colonization, occupation, and genocide, the Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok people continue and thrive in their resilience and self-determination. We celebrate and recognize our Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok tribal neighbors and honor their sustained existence.

About the Program

The Native American Student Support & Success Program (NASSSP) is a state funded grant program under the California community College Chancellor’s Office. Folsom Lake College is proud to be part of the twenty California Community College’s supporting Native American students and communities through its NASSSP.

Our Purpose

  1. To strengthen K-12 pathways to and through the California Community College system for Native American students, including student transfer to the University of California and California State University systems.
  2. To ensure the educational success of Native American students.
  3. To develop Native American leaders.
  4. To increase the number of Native American mentors to empower future generations.

Program Eligibility & Services

Folsom Lake College students (including Dual Enrollment students) who self-identify as Native American (American Indian/Alaska Native) through their CCC Apply college application are automatically eligible to participate in NASSSP. Eligible students will receive a Welcome Message from the program and an invitation to join the NASSSP Canvas site. The program provides:

  • Cohorts for Ethnic Studies, English, and Math courses
  • Peer Mentors
  • Academic counseling
  • Workshops, Events and Activities: Bi-weekly beading, ribbon skirt and shirt workshops, Fall and Spring Native Student Welcome events, NASSSP film screenings, Orange Shirt Day, MMIW/MMIP Day of Action, MMIW/MMIP Awareness Day, Native American Heritage Month events, and more!
  • NASSSP Canvas site for online peer connections and resources
  • Learning communities
  • Wrap-around support, advocacy and referrals
  • Elder-in-Residence
  • Connection to the Native American Students & Supporters Association (chartered student club)
  • Direct resources based on financial aid unmet need: textbook assistance, school supplies/technology, semester student parking permits, grants

In partnership with the other Los Rios Colleges, FLC NASSSP proudly supports the annual Los Rios Native American Student Celebration that celebrated the accomplishments of students that have earned a certificate and/or degree in the current academic year, and/or are transferring to a four-year university.

Native American Student Support & Success books

Native American Student Support & Success flags

Native American Student Support & Success march

Native American Student Support & Success capitol

Native American Student Support & Success group

Native American Student Support & Success meeting

Native American Student Support & Success presentation

Native American Student Support & Success students

Native American Student Support & Success sowing

Native American Student Support & Success working

Native American Student Support & Success house


Sharisse Estomo
NASSSP Director
(916) 608-6923

Dr. Tamara Cheshire
Faculty Tribal Liaison

NASSSP Peer Mentors
Jace Farmer

Francheskia Mize

Michiah Toney


Monday through Thursday:
9:00 am to 5:30 pm

Monday through Friday:
9:00 am to 5:30 pm


Main Folsom campus
Aspen Hall, FL1-146