Tutoring and Academic Assistance
Free Online, Drop-In and In-Person Tutoring For All FLC Students
Tutoring gives students an opportunity to discuss academic content with a peer tutor, and to become more effective and empowered learners. The most successful students at FLC use tutoring!
Connect with a tutor to continually build your academic success and receive support for the entire semester.
Tutoring Services Available Starting January 27, 2025
The Tutoring Center is thrilled to offer both in-person and remote tutoring sessions for the Spring semester. Whether you're aiming to strengthen your skills in STEM or Reading/Writing, working with a tutor is not just an opportunity – it's a valuable resource to help you achieve academic success. Don’t miss out on this chance to empower yourself and take your skills to the next level!
Our Services
Online Tutoring
Folsom Lake College provides a limited amount of free online tutoring in particular courses.
Reading & Writing Center
The Reading & Writing Center provides FLC and RCC students with one-on-one tutoring in any discipline requiring reading or writing.
Tutoring Center Folsom
The Tutoring Center is a free resource for all FLC students who need academic support or want to take their success to the next level.
Math Center
Discover effective learning strategies with our LTAT 30 course - a study skills course designed to help you succeed in any Math or Stats class.
Student Athlete Success Center
The Student Athlete Success Center provides a comprehensive suite of instruction and services that support student athletes.
EDC English Center Placerville
The English Center provides EDC students with one-on-one tutoring in any discipline requiring reading or writing.
EDC Tutoring Center Placerville
El Dorado Center offers students free drop-in tutoring in a variety of subjects.
Rancho Cordova Center Tutoring and Mentoring
For fall semester 2023, the Learning Resource Center at the Rancho Cordova Center offers free in-person drop-in tutoring for ESL students.
Study Skills Courses
INDIS 314 & 315 are Science Study Skills courses that offer one-on-one instructional sessions to help you improve your ability to learn science concepts.
Hands-On Science
Hands-On Science activities provide opportunities to learn science topics, rub elbows with professors, and have fun with classmates in a no stress setting.
STEM-Jam is a 9-week laboratory experience giving students the opportunity to explore real world science and to gain and/or refine basic foundational laboratory skills.
Open Lab
Open Lab is an opportunity for students to make up lab work and practice for lab practical examinations. Students can access models, microscopes, and hands-on material in a safe environment.
UC Davis Internships
The Science Center coordinates internship opportunities providing students with research assistants positions in labs at UC Davis.
Content Tutoring
Folsom Lake College provides a limited amount of free in-person and online tutoring in particular courses.
Become a Tutor
Do you excel in a particular subject? Do you enjoy helping others? Consider applying to be a tutor!
Text/Call: (279) 356-1828
Front Desk Hours
Monday through Thursday:
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tutorial Services Assistant
Simona Sigartau
Main Folsom Campus
Joshua Scrogins
El Dorado Center
Sierra Karle
Rancho Cordova Center
Mohammad Sheikhshoaei
Department Chair
Samuel Raskin
(916) 608-6807
Main Folsom campus
Cypress Hall, FL2-240
El Dorado Center
Building C, C-204
Rancho Cordova Center
Learning Resource Center, RCC1-203
"FLC tutoring is truly for ALL students. Whether you are a dual-enrollment student, transfer-bound, a student with a family, or even someone who feels confident in the subject, tutoring is effective for all. If you haven't tried out FLC tutoring, don't miss out!"
Sharisse Estomo
Student Support Supervisor, Center for Excellence