Business Services
The Business Services office is where students inquire about tuition and fees, buy parking permits, request refunds, and much more.
Tuition and Fees
See the current tuition and enrollment fees for residents and non-residents as well as other fees, including foreign student application fee, student representation fee, health services fee, universal transit pass (UTP) fee, and parking fees.
Fee Payment Deadlines
You must pay your tuition and fees soon after you enroll in classes, or else you will be automatically dropped from your classes. Learn more about fee payment deadlines for the current and upcoming semesters.
Student Access Card
Your student access card is your official college ID card and gives you access to student benefits and activities. Each semester, you need a new semester sticker for your student access card to be valid.
Student Payment Plan
The student payment plan allows students to pay their fees over a few months instead of all at once. This can make fee payment more manageable for students who do not receive financial aid or a California College Promise Grant.
(916) 608-6549
Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Monday to Thursday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Main Folsom campus
College Administration CA-122