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Computer Information Science

Overview Degrees/Certificates Courses Faculty

Associate Degrees

A.S. in Computer Science

The Computer Science degree provides a comprehensive exposure to computer science in preparation for upper-division computer science courses. The program also prepares students for entry level employment in the computer and related industries.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science 3
CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving 3
CISP 310 Computer Architecture and Organization (4) 4
   or ENGR 303 Introduction to Logic Design (4)
CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming 4
CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++ (4) 4
   or CISP 401 Object Oriented Programming with Java (4)
CISP 430 Data Structures 4
CISP 440 Discrete Structures for Computer Science 3
A minimum of 5 units from the following: 5
CISP 370 Beginning Visual Basic (4)
CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++ (4)
CISP 401 Object Oriented Programming with Java (4)
CISP 405 Object Oriented Programming using C# on Visual Studio .NET (4)
CISP 407 Programming in Python (4)
CISC 315 Introduction to Computer Game Design (3)
CISN 304 Networking Technologies (3)
CISS 310 Network Security Fundamentals (3)
CHEM 400 General Chemistry I (5)
ENGR 303 Introduction to Logic Design (4)
ENGR 400 Introduction to Electrical Circuits and Devices (3)
MATH 400 Calculus I (5)
PHYS 411 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (4)
Total Units: 30

The Computer Science Associate in Science (A.S.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus the local FLC General Education Requirement, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See FLC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • design, write, test and debug computer programs, using a low-level language, a structured language, and an object-oriented language.
  • evaluate various solutions to a proposed problem in terms of programming languages, software architecture, and other appropriate computer technologies.
  • demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the basic concepts that define the discipline of computer science, such as data structures, discrete mathematics, basic computer architecture, operating system internals, networking fundamentals, and programming languages.

Career Information

Career opportunities include various technical and support jobs in the computer industry, such as software tester, software developer, programmer, analyst, etc... Additional opportunities include business-related jobs in the computer industry that require a fundamental knowledge of computer science.

A.S. in Information Technology

This degree allows students to acquire basic core Information Technology competencies that will prepare them for a career in Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, and related fields.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Degree Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science 3
CISN 304 Networking Technologies (3) 3
CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving 3
CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming 4
CISS 310 Network Security Fundamentals 3
A minimum of 6 units from the following: 6
BUS 310 Business Communications (3)
CISC 326 Linux Systems (3)
CISC 315 Introduction to Computer Game Design (3)
COMM 341 Organizational Communication (3)
A minimum of 4 units from the following: 4
MATH 341 Calculus for Business and Economics (4)
MATH 343 Modern Business Mathematics (4)
MATH 400 Calculus I (5)
STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4)
Total Units: 26

The Information Technology Associate in Science (A.S.) degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus the local FLC General Education Requirement, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See FLC graduation requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • apply fundamental knowledge of computing and the current use of technology techniques, skills, and tools necessary for the computing practice.
  • evaluate and solve business problems with technology solutions using qualitative and quantitative information.
  • assess user needs in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based information systems.

Career Information

The Associate's degree in Information Technology prepares students to either enter the workforce as an entry-level computer or network support technician or pursue a bachelor's degree in managing information systems. Several CSUs currently offer baccalaureate IT programs, as do several private universities. More CSUs are working to build upper division programs similar to the recently approved IT Model Curriculum.

Certificate of Achievement

Computer Programming Certificate

The Computer Programming Certificate provides students with the basic proficiencies required of entry level software technicians and computer programmers, or for further study in computer science.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science 3
CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving 3
CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) 4
   or CISP 370 Beginning Visual Basic (4)
CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++ (4) 4
   or CISP 401 Object Oriented Programming with Java (4)
   or CISP 405 Object Oriented Programming using C# on Visual Studio .NET (4)
   or CISP 407 Programming in Python (4)
CISP 430 Data Structures 4
CISP 440 Discrete Structures for Computer Science 3
Total Units: 21

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • design, write, test and debug computer programs, using a structured language, and an object-oriented language.
  • evaluate software systems for conformance to system requirements.
  • participate as a member of a software development team.

Career Information

Career opportunities include various technical and support jobs in the computer industry, such as software tester, software developer, programmer, analyst, etc.


Algorithmic and Logical Thinking Certificate

This certificate certifies students have demonstrated the fundamentals of thinking logically with a variety of tools, such as: algorithms, computer programs, argumentation, or statistical methods.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science 3
CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving 3
CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming 4
PHIL 320 Logic and Critical Reasoning 3
A minimum of 6 units from the following: 6
COMM 311 Argumentation and Debate (3)
COMM 315 Persuasion (3)
PHIL 300 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
PHIL 325 Symbolic Logic (3)
PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3)
   or STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4)
Total Units: 19

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • verify empirically the correctness of an algorithm by means of tracing values of variables to validate the accuracy of the solution.
  • demonstrate logical thought by writing accurate and functional computer programs or proper utilization of flowcharts or pseudocode.
  • demonstrate familiarity with several methods of constructing logical chains of reasoning.

Career Information

Logical and rational thought is a prerequisite for successful careers in the Sciences, Engineering and Management and most other fields.

Information Technology Certificate

The Information Technology prepares students for careers or further education in information technology, networking, cyber security, and related fields. There is considerable employment opportunity in these areas.

Catalog Date: January 1, 2025

Certificate Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units
CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science 3
CISC 326 Linux Systems 3
CISN 304 Networking Technologies 3
CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving 3
CISS 310 Network Security Fundamentals 3
Total Units: 15

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • apply fundamental knowledge of computing and the current use of technology techniques, skills, and tools necessary for the computing practice.
  • evaluate and solve business problems with technology solutions using qualitative and quantitative information.
  • assess user needs in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based information systems.