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Course Numbering System

Folsom Lake College has a standardized course numbering system. The following numbers are designed to provide students with general information regarding the focus and intent of courses.

Course Number 1 to 99

Courses numbered 1 to 99 are credit courses that are considered developmental or basic skills and are not acceptable for the associate degree or transfer credit.

Course Number 100 to 299

Courses numbered 100 to 299 are applicable to an associate degree, but not transferable to a four-year institution.

Course Number 300 to 499

Courses numbered 300 to 499 are articulated for transfer with four-year institutions and are intended to meet major, general education, or elective credit requirements.

Transfer Credit

Courses accepted for transfer by the University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) systems are identified as such in the course details next to "Transferable." Students who have questions regarding transferability of credit for specific courses to specific institutions should consult a counselor.

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

The C-ID system is a statewide numbering system designed to identify comparable courses and facilitate articulation. Any community college course that bears a C-ID number signifies that it is equivalent in content, rigor, and student learning outcomes. Any course with a C-ID number can be assured that it will be accepted at other participating community college or CSU campuses. For example: C-ID COMM 110 at Folsom Lake College will be accepted by any other college that has been approved for the same C-ID COMM 110 number.

Students should consult a counselor for specific information and help evaluating course transferability. In addition, students should visit to confirm how each college's course will be accepted for the following:

  1. Majors at CSU and UC campuses
  2. CSU general education requirements
  3. IGETC general education requirements

Please consult a counselor to find out if your courses meet requirements at private and out-of-state colleges and universities. See an up-to-date listing of Folsom Lake College C-ID approved courses on the Transfer and Articulation System website for California's colleges and universities.

Course Families

Courses families group together similar courses. Students are limited to taking a maximum of four courses in any one course family across all four Los Rios colleges. This restriction applies regardless of what grade a student received or the number of courses in a course family.