Transfer to a 4-Year College
Make a Plan For Your Transfer Success
Students planning to transfer to the California State University (CSU) system, the University of California (UC) system, or to a private or out of state college or university should meet with a counselor to develop a plan to meet the admission and graduation requirements for the specific institution you plan to attend.
Transfer admission eligibility is based on transferable college units and/or high school records and test scores. Each institution has its own requirements for admission and junior standing. To prepare for transfer, students must decide which school they will attend, consult a counselor for the specific requirements for that particular institution, and to create a written educational plan.
The college has a variety of support services available to assist students with career decision-making, problem resolution, and goal achievement.
Cal State University, Sacramento
Transfer Advising
Transfer Admission
Sacramento State University
Make an Appointment with Sac State Advisor on FLC campus
University of California, Davis
Fabian Meneses
Assistant Director, Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP) Enrollment Management
(916) 801-7156
Transfer Admission
UC Davis
Make a Virtual Appointment with Lisa
Group Advising
TOP Thursday
Note: All students must have a UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner) completed prior to their UC Davis counseling appointment. If they do not have one in place, their appointment will be rescheduled. Complete the UC TAP.
Transfer to a California State University
Transfer requirements for the California State University (CSU) system, including Sacramento State (CSUS).
California State University (CSU) Dual Admission
The CSU Dual Admission program gives students clearer direction and greater confidence on their path to a four-year degree at a California State University.
Transfer to a University of California
Transfer requirements for the University of California (UC) system, including UC Davis.
University of California (UC) Dual Admission
The UC Dual Admission pilot program is for California college freshman applicants who applied but were not admitted to a UC campus.
Transfer to a Private or Out-of-State College
Information on how to transfer to a private or out-of-state college.
Associate Degrees for Transfer
Associate Degrees for Transfer awardees are guaranteed admission with junior standing within the CSU system.
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Folsom Lake College offers guaranteed admission with 49 four-year institutions!
Articulation is the process that links the curriculum between community colleges and four-year colleges, so that students can transfer without experiencing a delay or having to redo coursework.
Transfer Days
Career & Transfer Events
Make an Appointment with a Career or Transfer Counselor
Get help in choosing a major, career exploration, career counseling, job preparation, and transfer preparation and planning!
Transfer Virtual Resource Directory
A great resource to assist you in exploring the UCs, CSUs, and private universities. Virtual webinars, workshops, website links, contact information for University representatives, and much more!