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Career and Transfer Center

Home Academics Internships and Career Services Career and Transfer Center

The Career & Transfer Center (CTC) is a resource center designed to support Folsom Lake College students in the areas of career exploration, choosing a career and major, career counseling, internships and work experience, job preparation, and transfer preparation and planning.

Watch the FLC calendar (listed below) for upcoming CTC events and activities!

Career and Transfer Center Services Information and Appointments

Career & Transfer Events


Main Folsom campus
(916) 608-6526

Career & Transfer Center Staff

Cal State University, Sacramento
Transfer Advising
Transfer Admission
Sacramento State University
Schedule an Appointment

University of California, Davis
Fabian Meneses
Assistant Director, Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP) Enrollment Management
(916) 801-7156
Transfer Admission
UC Davis
Group Advising
TOP Thursday
Schedule an Appointment

University of California, Los Angeles
Undergraduate Admissions
Transfer Admission
Transfer Resource Guide
Transfer Checklist
Schedule an Appointment

Note: All students must have a UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner) completed prior to their UC Davis counseling appointment. If they do not have one in place, their appointment will be rescheduled. Complete the UC TAP.


In-Person and Remote Services Hours
Monday through Thursday:
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Virtual Services Only

Center Closed
January 1
January 20
February 14
February 17
March 31
May 26

Center Closing Early (2:00 pm)
January 17
January 24
January 31

Make an appointment

Please note: Center may close briefly for training and meetings during summer hours.


Main Folsom campus
Falcon's Roost FR-220 (Upper Level)

PathwayU Logo

PathwayU is an education-to-career guidance platform providing scientific insight into your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences, allowing you to make informed decisions identifying education and career paths which fit your unique set of characteristics and preferences.

View PathwayU

Looking for a Job or Internship?

Check out Handshake, a free career platform connecting Los Rios students and alumni with jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities.

Go to Handshake

Transfer Virtual Resource Directory

A great resource to assist you in exploring the UCs, CSUs, and private universities. Virtual webinars, workshops, website links, contact information for University representatives, and much more!

View the Directory