Frequently Asked Questions
The term "Dual Enrollment" is replacing "Advanced Education" beginning in Summer 2023. For more definitions, see Los Rios Administrative Regulation R-2212.
Los Rios recently updated the terms used to describe what was previously referred to as Advanced Education to include all opportunities available for special admission for students who had not yet completed high school and are currently enrolled in high school or attending an adult school program with a goal of completing their high school diploma. Collectively, these opportunities are referred to as Dual Enrollment; we are actively working to streamline this process for all Dual Enrollment students. See Los Rios Administrative Regulation R-2212 for definitions and more.
Dual Enrollment students may enroll in up to eleven units within the Los Rios Community College District (at any of the four colleges) after they are admitted for Dual Enrollment. The colleges will monitor enrollment to make sure students stay within this limit; in the event a student mistakenly enrolls in more than eleven units within a semester, the most recent enrollment will be reversed prior to the start of the semester.
Yes – after being admitted to Folsom Lake College, a student may request to add classes at other Los Rios colleges. To do this:
- Reuse the same Special Admit Form and add the class numbers specific to the college where you are requesting new courses.
- Submit the revised form to the college following the instructions on their Dual Enrollment website.
- Find the class you would like to take in the Class Schedule.
- Make sure to check if the class is going to be asynchronous or synchronous and choose accordingly.
- The class you choose must be held at the primary college campus you are applying to. You cannot include classes from multiple Los Rios colleges on your application.
Watch this helpful Class Search Tool video (1 minute).

Enrolled students with a 504 Plan (or in special education) can learn more about the array of academic accommodations and services appropriate in a college setting from DSPS. Visit DSPS to apply for services.
Yes! Additionally, Dual Enrollment students who are classified as California residents are exempt from the enrollment fee.
See Los Rios Administrative Regulation R-2212 for more details.
No. Under Section 49061 of the Education Code, parents of community college students do not have a right of access to their child's student records, regardless of whether the student is under the age of 18. This includes Dual Enrollment students.
International students seeking to attend college under the Dual Enrollment program should first consult with their high school international student advisor to determine if the college coursework will be appropriate.
International students are responsible for paying non-resident tuition, enrollment, and Universal Transit Pass (UTP) fees in addition to the student representation and health services fees (for fall and spring semesters). Other conditions may apply.