Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) = Classes with Free Textbooks
Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) means that there is no cost for required textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, readers, or specialized software like online homework systems. There is a state law (SB 1359) that requires California Community Colleges to identify Zero Textbook Costs course sections.
ZTC at Folsom Lake College
Folsom Lake College faculty are being encouraged to find ways to make their courses ZTC. This could include the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER), using library materials, and curating other learning resources that are freely available to students.
Searching for ZTC Courses
You can search for ZTC courses in the online class schedule or in eServices.
Folsom Lake College's online class schedule is available on the college website without having to login with your wID and password. This section explains how to search for and view courses in the online class schedule that have been designated as ZTC. This means you should not be required to purchase textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, readers, or specialized software like online homework systems to complete the course. You might be asked to purchase supplemental materials that are required to successfully complete the course. Examples of supplemental materials are lab coats and kits, goggles, a calculator, blue books, scantron forms, art supplies, etc.
Watch this short video to see how to find ZTC in the online class schedule or follow the written steps linked below.
Finding ZTC in the Online Class Schedule (Google doc)
eServices is the platform in which you actually enroll in classes and can only be accessed by logging in with your wID and password. This section explains how to search for and view courses in eServices that have been designated as ZTC. This means you should not be required to purchase textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, readers, or specialized software like online homework systems to complete the course. You might be asked to purchase supplemental materials that are required to successfully complete the course. Examples of supplemental materials are lab coats and kits, goggles, a calculator, blue books, scantron forms, art supplies, etc.
Watch this short video to see how to find ZTC courses in eServices or follow the written steps linked below.
Finding ZTC Courses in eServices (Google doc)
Low Cost Textbook Designation
The Low Cost designation can also be applied in the textbook cost filter. The Low Cost symbol is a dollar sign in a down arrow and means that a student will pay $30 or less for all required instructional materials in that course section.
- Instructional materials include required textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals, readers, or specialized websites or software like online homework systems. The definition does not apply to supplemental items such lab coats and kits, goggles, a calculator, blue books, scantron forms, art supplies, etc.
- The designation is based on the pre-tax retail price of new materials in the FLC Bookstore only. It does not apply to the price of used or rental books or ebooks available through the FLC Bookstore or any other bookseller.
- A section that uses free digital materials, but requires students to print some or all of the course materials may be designated as Low Cost if the printing costs can be reasonably expected to be under $30.
Double Check Your Textbook Information
Sometimes the instructor assigned to a course may change before the first day of class and this could also affect the ZTC designation and textbook information. It is a good idea to double check the course information a week before classes start to make sure the information that was provided when you registered has remained the same. If the instructor’s name has changed, the ZTC designation or textbook information may have also changed.
More Course Schedule Tips for Success
Some of the language used in the course descriptions and filters in the online class schedule and eServices can be confusing. Here is a rundown of terms you might see and what they mean.

eServices is the platform in which you actually enroll in classes and can only be accessed by logging in with your wID and password. eServices lists several options in the Instruction Mode filter. You should also pay attention to the information that is listed in the Days and Times column because this will help you understand when and if you are expected to be present (either online or in-person).
- Fully Online Asynchronous: The course is conducted completely online and you are not required to be in front of your computer or in a videoconference session at any specific time for the duration of the course. If you see “To be announced” in the Days and Times column, it likely means that it is a fully asynchronous course. Asynchronous does not mean “go at your own pace.” Make sure you are paying attention to announcements and due dates for assignments and other learning activities.
- Fully Online Partially Synchronous: The course is conducted completely online, but there are certain days and times when you will be expected to be in front of your computer and/or in a videoconference. The Days and Times column should indicate when you are expected to be present.
- Fully Online Synchronous: The course is conducted completely online, but you are expected to be in front of your computer and/or in a videoconference during all scheduled meeting days and times of the course. The Days and Times column will indicate when the class meets online.
- Partially Online Under 50%: The course will have some in-person sessions on campus and some material and lessons that will be presented online through the learning management system (Canvas). The Days and Times column will indicate when you are expected to be on campus in your designated classroom.
- Lecture: The course meets in-person in an assigned classroom on the same days and times for the duration of the semester (example: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 - 9:50 am). The Days and Times column will indicate when you are expected to be on campus in your designated classroom.
The online class schedule is available on the college website without having to login with your wID and password. The “Mode” filter allows you to filter by mode of instruction and provides three choices:

- Fully Online: The course is conducted completely online and you are not required to come to campus. There are two sub-filters for fully online:
- Synchronous: There are certain days and times when you will be expected to be in front of your computer and/or in a videoconference. The Day/Time column should indicate when you are expected to be present.
- Asynchronous: You are not required to be in front of your computer or in a videoconference session at any specific time for the duration of the course. Asynchronous does not mean “go at your own pace.” Make sure you are paying attention to announcements and due dates for assignments and other learning activities.
- Partially Online: The course will have some in-person sessions on campus and some material and lessons that will be presented online through the learning management system (Canvas). The Day/Time column will indicate when you are expected to be on campus in your designated classroom.
- In Person: The course meets in-person in an assigned classroom on the same days and times for the duration of the semester (example: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 - 9:50 am). The Days and Times column will indicate when you are expected to be on campus in your designated classroom.