Folsom Lake College's liberal studies for elementary education major is designed for students who wish to be teachers in public and private elementary schools. Further education at the university level will be required to fulfill all requirements for a teaching credential authorizing service in California public schools.
- Instructional Assistant
- Teacher, Intermediate Grades
- Teacher, Primary Grades
Some career options may require more than two years of college study. Classes beyond the associate degree may be required to fulfill some career options or for preparation for transfer to a university program.
This major is especially designed for students who plan to transfer into California State University, Sacramento’s (Sac State) liberal studies program, which is a major for prospective elementary school teachers. This degree program provides all of the lower division courses necessary to gain admission to the university and the teacher credential program.
- Division Dean Francis Fletcher
- Department Chair Andrew Williamson
- Meta-Major Public Service, Health, and Education
- Phone (916) 608-6752
- Email
Public Service, Health, and Education
This program is part of the Public Service, Health, and Education meta-major.