Select your interest from the following options to learn more and make an appointment.
Career and Major Exploration Overview
Career and major exploration prepares students for Career Counseling, career-related decision making and major-selection. Using self-guided assessments and staff-directed research and activities, students can identify their career interests and work preferences, as well as explore the various occupations that align with these interests and preferences.
We highly recommended career exploration services for students uncertain or unsure of their future career, career interests and/or academic major.
Students eligible for this service:
- Students enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course for current or upcoming semester.
Online Appointment System
The Career & Transfer Center counselors are currently meeting with students remotely using Zoom conferencing.
Make a Virtual Appointment for Career Exploration Services
Choosing a Major Services
What is a "major?"
A major is a specific subject or interest area that students specialize in. Typically, between one-third to one-half of the courses you take in college will be in your major or related to it. Please note: As part of the Student Success Initiative, California Community College Students are required to identify a program of study (choose a major) by three semesters (or 15 units).
Do you need help choosing or confirming your career interest and major?
We're here to help! Our Career exploration steps move you through essential research and consideration designed to help you determine a career area of interest that "fits" who you are and aligns with your life goals. Career counseling is included in our career exploration guidance and provides comprehensive, occupational interest counseling and college major selection, as well as planning that supports knowledgeable and informed choices.
We know what important decisions students are making when choosing a major. While there is no set timeframe for career exploration, undecided and unsure students will benefit from early participation, because determining a career interest and choosing a major helps to focus and inform academic planning and motivates students to do their very best!
Suggested Career Exploration Steps for FLC Students:
- Self-Discovery: Using PathwayU, identify your interests, personality and values, and determine how you prefer to work.
- Visit the Tools section of PathwayU and dive deeper into your assessment results. This process will guide you in fully understanding your results and how to use them in your career exploration journey.
- Review careers aligned with your PathwayU results and gather important job information:
- On your PathwayU assessment results page, click on Explore Career Matches and View Careers to review careers that align with your assessment results. Use the filters to organize your career matches.
- Decision Making and Goal Setting: Improve your decision-making skills and increase your goal setting and planning knowhow with activities and tools provided by the CTC.
- Watch the CTC and FLC calendars for career and success skills workshops and opportunities
- Identify Your Future Preferred Lifestyle: Consider your future cost of living, review job examples that could enable you to enjoy your preferred lifestyle, and create a budget based on your selections:
- Set up a Ca Career Zone free student account
- Select Complete Activities
- Select Make Money Choices
- Career Exploration: Further explore careers within your interest area(s) and career details, while keeping "what fits me" at the center of your exploration:
- Choosing a Major and Career Counseling: Bring it all together and choose a major that is meaningful to you and fits your life and success goals by making a Career Counseling appointment.
- Create a Professional Resume specific to your chosen career field:
- Check out job prep support materials in the Tools section of PathwayU
- Connect with the FLC Job Services Specialist for job support
- Create a profile in Handshake and stay informed about Los Rios career opportunities and events
For Career Exploration Support
- Drop by the FLC Career & Transfer Center: Folsom Campus, Falcon’s Roost Upper Level, Room FR 220 (see office hours listed at top of CTC webpage)
- Call the CTC at (916) 608-6526
- Email the CTC:
PathwayU Career Exploration Tool
PathwayU is a free tool for current and prospective students to explore where their interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences intersect with career fields and programs of study available at Folsom Lake College.
For academic counseling and course planning services, visit Counseling.
Career Counseling Services Overview
Career Counseling offers comprehensive occupational interest and college major selection and planning support that expands the student’s knowledge of their interests, and helps prepare students to make informed career and major selection decisions that are compatible with their preferences, interests and potential career direction.
Students eligible for this service have:
- Have completed new student Orientation
- Have developed a Student Education Plan (SEP) with an Academic Counselor
- Are enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course for current or upcoming semester
For students unsure or undecided about their career and major, we highly suggest students create account in PathwayU and complete all four assessments, prior to meeting with a Career Counselor (see PathwayU information and link below).
Online Appointment System
The Career & Transfer Center counselors are currently meeting with students remotely using Zoom conferencing.
Make an Appointment with a Career Counselor
PathwayU Career Exploration Tool
PathwayU is a free tool for current and prospective students to explore where their interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences intersect with career fields and programs of study available at Folsom Lake College.
PathwayU Current Student Login
PathwayU Prospective Student Login
For detailed transfer process information and requirements, visit Transfer.
Transfer Services Overview
FLC Transfer Services are geared toward assisting students in exploring post-secondary educational options while providing support and guidance on the steps necessary to transfer to a four-year college or university. Transfer counseling is available in the Career & Transfer Center two days per week during the Fall and Spring semesters. Services include:
- Comprehensive transfer counseling
- Drop-in transfer counseling and application review
- University representative visits
- College fairs
- University campus events and tours
- University application and transfer workshops
- Workshops, events, and university tours
Students eligible for this service have:
- Have completed new student Orientation
- Have developed a Student Education Plan (SEP) with an Academic Counselor
- Are enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course for current or upcoming semester
Online Appointment System
The Career & Transfer Center counselors are currently meeting with students remotely using Zoom conferencing.
Make an Appointment for Transfer Counseling
Check out the Los Rios Community College Transfer Virtual Resource Directory to view transfer school information and upcoming events:
For detailed Internship and Work Experience process information and requirements, visit Internship and Work Experience.
Internship & Work Experience Services Overview
College internships provide students with an opportunity to work in an organization and gain valuable, practical knowledge and hands-on job experience, while attending college. Internship and Work Experience services are available at FLC during Fall and Spring semesters. View the helpful student guides and resources on the Internship and Work Experience webpage.
Students eligible for this service:
- Have completed a minimum of two college semesters
- Are in good academic standing
- Have declared a college major
- Are enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course for current or upcoming semester
Make an Appointment for Internship and Work Experience
Begin your Internship and Job search with Handshake, a free job search portal for Los Rios Students who are looking for jobs and Internships:
- Search full-time and part-time jobs, on-campus jobs, internships, co-ops,
- and volunteer positions
- Receive emails describing positions that match your search criteria
- Upload resume and other portfolio documents to be viewed by employers
- Access the FLC and Los Rios Job and Internship’s calendar of events, workshops, and info sessions
Job Services Overview
Search for a job, create a job search plan, learn job search strategies and interviewing techniques, and develop your resume and cover letter. Job services are designed to prepare students for employment while attending college and Job preparation for future careers.
Services include:
- Resume and cover letter construction
- Interviewing skills development
- Job search support
- Workshops, activities, and events
Students eligible for this service:
- Are enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course.
Hire Los Rios Students: Handshake
For Internship and Work Experience information and appointment visit: FLC Internship and Work Experience
Make an Appointment for Job Services
Begin your Internship and Job search with Handshake, a free job search portal for Los Rios Students who are looking for jobs and Internships:
- Search full-time and part-time jobs, on-campus jobs, internships, co-ops,
- and volunteer positions
- Receive emails describing positions that match your search criteria
- Upload resume and other portfolio documents to be viewed by employers
- Access the FLC and Los Rios Job and Internship’s calendar of events, workshops, and info sessions
SETA Job Placement Assistance
Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA ) job placement services are available at FLC for Career Education students.
What is Career Education and who are Career Education Students? Career Education (formerly known as Career Technical Education, or CTE) is a term for educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied arts and sciences, and modern technologies. View information about Career Education and Career Education Degrees and Certificates.
Services include:
- Connecting students to career opportunities in their field of study
- Coordinating and scheduling virtual interviews with local employers that align with student’s career goals
- Job Search support
- Navigating CalJOBS support
- Virtual Employer Recruitment Events
- Resume and Interviewing support
Students eligible for this service:
- Are enrolled in a minimum of one FLC course.
- Are currently completing or have completed an FLC Career Education Program.
For more information, contact the FLC SETA representative:
Mohsen Ghahremani
(916) 584-2383
Available: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm