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Requesting Accommodation Letters

Students who qualify for DSPS accommodations at FLC are responsible for providing the instructor in each of their classes with an official Letter of Accommodation (LOA). Each semester, it is the student's responsibility to request these letters and deliver them to their professors. The letter notifies the instructor of the accommodations students are authorized to utilize in their class. Note: The disability is not disclosed on these letters.

Students should call the DSPS Office at least three (3) weeks prior to the start of the semester to schedule an appointment for LOAs. This appointment should take 15-20 minutes and is facilitated by a Student Personnel Assistant. Students can request accommodation letters after the start of the semester or when classes have begun, but the letter is only effective as of the date it is provided by the student to the professor.

It is important to call or check in with DSPS staff each semester, even if you feel you will not need accommodations for the semester. Doing so will ensure that you do not lose priority registration. Use of any authorized DSPS accommodation is entirely optional; you do not have to use everything we offer you every semester, and you can choose not to use an accommodation or service at any time—even after you have received your accommodation letters.

Note: If you are enrolled in classes at another Los Rios College (ARC, CRC, or SCC), you will need to register with that college’s DSPS office to set up accommodations and letters for classes at that college.